The Quality Account is the most important document we publish each year in which we set out our quality priorities for the previous year and the further quality improvements we intend to make in the next twelve months and beyond.
The Quality Account is our opportunity to show our commitment to continuously improve the quality of the services we provide and share the evidence of that commitment.
In healthcare, we enjoy a special privilege rare in most sectors – that of being entrusted with the care of people. At Waitemata DHB, this is something we strive to keep foremost in our minds as we go about the day-to-day duties of caring for the sick and frail, and promoting health in our communities. Fundamentally, we aim to do our best for our population.
In this report we outline our progress in the four national priority areas of patient safety set by the Health Quality and Safety Commission, and on the work we are undertaking regionally with the three other northern region DHBs in a campaign, 'First Do No Harm', to make patient safety a top priority and to focus on no avoidable harm.
The production of this Quality Account with the associated quality initiatives is not an isolated annual exercise, but part of a continuous process.
Visit the Quality Account website to view a full annual account of the DHB's quality initiatives.